seeeeeriously, another wishlist post? well, cut me some slack ok, because i haven't done one in an age, and also, haven't you heard? i'm in a newly-single slump and have only internet shopping to keep me entertained (that, and all of the netflix)(and ice cream) while i figure out how to carry on in this life alone (foreverrrrr). maybe i'll get some cats? who am i kidding, cats are jerks.
so, on thursday it was the carnaby shopping event - a vip kind of night, where the shops all put on a drinks and djs and offer tremendous discount on their stuff and occasionally you score something for free. before i finished work i took a look at some of the shops online so i knew what i was in for if i decided that spending all of my month's remaining wage on new clothes was worth it, and oh my god everything suddenly got really pretty. for a while there, i was bored of shopping. i don't think i bought a single thing all last month? this month, i reckon i'm heading to liquidation if this wishlist is anything to go by.
dahlia's new range is so flippen pretty! super swoony and romantic, and back to how i remember it when i first discovered the brand a few years ago; lacey, pure and so very feminine. plus! kate spade print! polka dots! oh my gosh i love it all. i want to buy it all. sadly, even with 20% in store, i still can not afford any of the new range until the time comes that i am a squidgillionaire. so, keep your eyes peeled for that day... then i popped along to monki and oh my god a floral tracksuit. an entire tracksuit, in my most favourite print and colour, ever. and not even gross track pants; they're like awesome yoga/pj pants... and i want them!
my carnaby street window shopping led me - as always, back to the motherland of scalloped bags and purses and, is it any surprise that i'd want to add to my ever-increasing selection? no. none. but tan? i don't have a tan bag! at all! a scalloped tan bag is the dream! and, here's something that everybody that's not me probably already knows; you can buy swedish hashbeens on asos?! and they're so much cheaper than to buy from the states! so, that's happening. soon. ish.
seriously though, if this is spring, i'm sold. finally.