this week, i want you to meet jane. jane actually found me through the passionfruit marketplace, and i'm glad she did. as mentioned in my sponsor post on friday, everytime i read her blog i'm overcome by the beauty in her photography and the sudden wanderlust i get for all of the places she captures. on top of that, jane is an all-round delightful person, and i've been incredibly lucky to not only host her this month, but she's also hosting me over on her blog. so when you're done here, do make sure you pop over there and say hello...
Hi there! My name is Jane and I blog over at Jane Heinrichs: art, life, love. I'm a children's book illustrator, but I also travel the world seeking adventures and inspiration. I would love to hear from you, and I love meeting new bogging friends! So please pop over and say hi!
obviously, you're an artists first and foremost, but tell us why you started your blog?
I started my blog while studying for an MA in Illustration at the University of the Arts London. We were required to blog about our tutorials and assignments as part of our coursework, kind of like keeping an online course journal that we could share with the professors and other students.
I very quickly realized that I loved blogging!
A few years after I finished the degree I finally figured out what I wanted to blog about (and not coursework, that’s for sure). I restarted again in January of this year. I’m so excited by all the new people I’m meeting!
Now my blog is about art, style, travel, and living gracefully.

your artwork is so adorable and sweet - where do you get your inspiration from?
I’m inspired by everything I see around me. I love the energy and imaginations of children. I love hearing people tell stories about their experiences. And I want to share all that loveliness and colour with the world.
And I love reading blogs. The first thing I do when I wake up each day is read my favourite blogs. All you bloggers out there, you’re such an inspiration!
do you remember the first book you illustrated? what was it? (free plug!)
The first book I illustrated (and wrote!) was “Magic at the Museum,” which is about a little girl who goes to an art gallery for her birthday party and has a marvelous adventure when all the paintings come alive and jump out of their picture frames. It was short-listed for best-illustrated book in Canada. Sadly, it’s now out of print, but you can still get a few copies in my etsy shop!
I don’t really have any favourites, it would be like trying to pick a favourite child! Based on other people’s reactions, their favourite illustration has to be “Lighting the sky.” I think people really love the idea of the girl and the giraffe putting all the stars in the sky. (above)
you've lived all over the place! where do you call 'home' now?
Home is wherever my family is! Right now I live between Cape Town, London and a small town in Canada. All three feel very much like home. I’m so lucky to be able to travel so much! I like to share all those adventures on my blog, so stay tuned! I have a trip to the deserts of Namibia planned next, and I’m really hoping that I’ll get some great inspiration for new illustrations. I’ll also share those photos and adventures on my blog in about a month’s time.
what's been your favourite place to travel to, and why?
My favourite place to travel is always home! There’s nothing like opening your door, unpacking your bags, pouring a glass of wine, and curling up in your own bed. That said… I love Italy. I haven’t been there for years, but it’s where my husband and I got engaged.
did you always want to be an artist; as a child, what did you want to be?
I wanted to be a school teacher when I was little. But I’ve always drawn and painted. In a sense, it feels like this career has chosen me. There’s nothing else I could be doing, I love it so much.
you seem to have a soft spot for children, do you have any of your own?
Not yet. But definitely in the future! Right now we have to have all our adventures first.

your studio is dreamy! do you ever just not want to leave?!
I take my studio with me wherever I go. I pack up my paints, brushes, pens and pencils, and then set it up wherever I find a flat surface. I’ve worked on illustrations on strangers kitchen tables, hotel bedside tables… Sometimes I feel like a turtle, who carries his home around with him on his back. No matter where I go I have all my art supplies with me.
Thanks so much for hosting me Erica!
you're so welcome my love. please visit jane's blog here and her etsy shop here. you can also find her on twitter and facebook. she's everywhheeerrrrrrre...