i am a popcorn fiend. it's a new love, if i'm honest; back when i lived in australia, popcorn was seen as primarily a cinema-only snack. the options back home were limited too; at the cinema you had salted, and in the shops - in massive party-size bags, you could buy rainbow coloured, buttered or toffee-dipped varieties. these bags were reserved for sleep overs or kids parties - you'd never catch anyone digging into a bag of toffee corn on their lunch breaks... well, not often anyway.
but, when i moved to the uk, i noticed snack-sized bags of the stuff sitting alongside the crisps in the meal deal sections of supermarkets and eateries. not only that, there were choices of flavours to choose from too. and that's not even the best bit. the kicker is that they're totally good(ish) for you to boot.
so when i heard that metcalfe's skinny had struck up a deal with the charity organisation CLIC (cancer and leukaemia in childhood) Sargent, and pledged to raise £30,000 for the charity through the rebranding of their sea salt popcorn to CLIC Sargent Salt Topcorn - well, i had to know more...(oh yeah, and try it for myself.)

CLIC Sargent is the uk's leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. they provide clinical, practical and emotional support to help them cope with cancer and get the most out of life. metcalfe's chairman - julian metcalfe, said of the rebrand: "we are looking forward to our three-year partnership with CLIC Sargent, to help ensure that every child and young person living with cancer gets the most out of life as possible."
at 108 calories per bag, the CLIC Sargent Salt is the perfect healthy snack for devouring in front of the telly. reminiscent of the cinema popcorn i used to love, the CLIC Sargent Salt Topcorn is... salty. i am a sweet and salt convert myself, and recently enamoured with the propercorn vanilla and coconut (game changing), so this was a little bland for my palette, but ultimately got me through my film-a-thon on saturday night (if i'm totally honest, i added some powdered sugar to it... what can i say, ingenuity at its finest).
basically, for every pack of the rebranded topcorn sold, metcalfe's skinny will make a donation to the charity. the funds raised could pay for vital services and opportunities for those living with the horrible diseases...
so let's get buying, eh? it's for a good cause after all.