it's not news to you all how much i love living in london. i get out and about as much as i can, and almost always share my mini-adventures in the capital with you all here as well. i've been thinking a lot lately about how much of what i do, and where i live, i take for granted. i think i decided that what i'd like to do is to start cataloguing my london diaries a little better, so i thought i might start a little series here where i can do just that - rather than just tagging my london-centric posts with the label 'london', which is pretty generic, and how i tag a whole bunch of stuff - reviews, events, randon pop-ups, et al, i'd quite like to have almost a little 'library of london' here to keep and reflect back on...
...or, share. if that's something you think would be useful or beneficial to you? i mean, as much as i write this blog for me, to store my memories and be able to reference all the cool shit i do, i'm not obtuse to the fact that a lot of the things i do around town are because of the kind souls who read my drivel on the daily, and help me be what is rather foolishly called 'an influencer'.
i do - for the most part, make this blog entirely about me. i'd hardly encourage you all to be me, and i don't really know what i'd be very good at selling at the best of times - i'm kind of all i know, really, and that's not a niche for many brands to harness. still, here we are. so, to say thank you for helping me achieve what can only be compared to the same celebrity status that's been bestowed on such cult heroes as... well, nobody, ever, i want to be able to offer you lovely folks reading my nonsense something substantial - outside of my unwavering friendship, of course.
i think a series focused on london would be mutually beneficial; for me, it'll totally encourage me to get out more, see and try new things, different parts of town, fan new places to see and explore, and for you; an honest guide to the best and worst london has to offer. places to visit, things to avoid, the city's gems and less-gem-like holes. i'm not foolish enough to think this will genuinely be useful to anyone, but selfishly, it will get me out of the house a lot more, and... hopefully make this space a little more interesting.
i'd love to hear your thoughts - are you bored toothless with london-focused blog posts, or is this something you'd like to see around these parts from time to time? be honest kids, i mean that.