jumper c/o george at asda | skirt : h&m | boots*: asos
so i mentioned the other day that i'd made the foolish decision to attempt oxford street on a saturday, but found later that it was worth it for an adorable skirt i'd nabbed in the sale at h&m in my haste at fleeing new look. well, i also picked up this floral skater skirt on the same day, because it's skirt perfection, and both of them made their way to palma with me over the weekend too. perfect little transitional numbers, made more perfect by the fact they can both still be worn with some of my "it's still too cold at work to be called spring" favourites - like this fluffy jumper from george.
i love the beading detail around the neckline, and actually, at how boxy the shape is. normally, i'm not one for anything that makes me look squarish and wider than i am, but i'll let this one pass because it's cropped enough to still flatter my shape. i really *needed* another fluffy jumper, because, i didn't have a white one. have a white fluffy *cardi*, but not a white fluffy *jumper*, so there was definitely a hole in my collection...
*side eye emoji man*
for god sakes, this fringe growing malarkey is doing my head in. what even is this style?
i need hair-related help. leave your best fringe-growing styles below.