i saw the most adorable wedding pictures this week on rock'n'roll bride. - and trust me, i've seen my fair share of wedding pictures lately. seriously though, this is cupcake perfection! interested in starting your own blog hop? bre shares her tips on how. leona posted some brilliant links this week too - that sheep! and, mrs thrifty asks, "are we the 'now' generation?"
brittney shares her 8 greek yoghurt tips. chantelle shares 30 cheap beauty tricks you can do at home. i tried the toothpaste on the spots the other night; didn't work. becca shares her chair tea recipe... that i need to try asap. and, magdalena shares... well, my no-bake cheesecake!
madison's outfit! adorable. sugar, darling's dress! gorgeous. olivia's skirt! beautiful. all of the things in this shop! bitchin'. this video, thanks to charlotte's web. so, flippen, twee!
to commemorate ghd's 10 year partnership with breakthrough breast cancer, they have launched a limited edition pink diamond styler to sit inside their beautiful jewel collection. £10 from every pink diamond ghd sold will go to breakthrough breat cancer or action breast cancer. and, it's suuuper pretty! they all are!

happy weekend guys!