we navigated our way to our hotel in about 20 minutes (despite assuring carmen it would about ten), and were pleasantly surprised by the fairly lush travelodge we'd somehow managed to book. the family room that greeted us slept four, and the room itself was the size of my whole flat; pretty bloody big. shower, toilet and telly all present, plus, a giant king-sized bed for boyfriend and i - double score!
while in brighton we hit up the charity shops; pretty much a standard practise for me whenever i travel. we also met up with blogger pals kelly and matt for lunch, and boyfriend and i had a play around at the pier. after feeding enought 10p coins into various machines, i finally came away with an awesome mickey toy! i was very happy indeed! local sight-seeing points of interest include (but aren't limited to) the lanes shopping quarter, the original (we still think) banksy "kissing cops" street art on frederick place's corner pub, the abundance of street art that wildly decorate an otherwise still pretty colourful little place, the black lion pub (yum), the rows and rows of coloured houses, all of the vintage shops and street fairs, and of course, the world famous brighton pier.
a wonderful pre-weekend was had... wait until you hear about my actual weekend. more on that in the week.
how was your weekend? tell me stories!