about a month ago i got a very exciting text from my sparkle sister, lynsay, saying that she was coming to london for the cheek of it event that i was also going to, and would i care to house her while she was in town? well, with no thought required on the subject, i basically sent her a reply that was pretty punctuation heavy - yes of course she was going to stay with me, and i couldn't bloody wait! did it matter to me that we'd only met once before, and albeit briefly in a coffee shop? uhm, hell no, because we've been sparkle sisters for almost two years, and i'm pretty sure anyone who loves glitter as much as me is someone who should be trusted and homed whenever they're in town. plus, look at that face! adorable!

we had a jam-packed weekend too. on friday afternoon we met on carnaby street before quickly getting dressed in the loos at my work, and heading around the corner for a few mocktails before our first event of the weekend. you can read more about that later in the week, but i did not like the fact i had to share her with some of london's most babe'n bloggers that night, i can tell you that much for free. while we had an awesome time shimmying the night away with miss cheeky and the crew over at café de paris, there was nothing better than getting in just before midnight, grabbing a late night chinese feast, and eating it in our pjs while we gossiped into the wee hours. nothing.

on saturday, i'd had plans with some pals so lyns was off to play with some of her own and we'd planned to meet up later for our second event of the weekend. unfortunately, the weather was not playing ball and so my plans were cancelled quite last minute, leaving me to some retail therapy and general moseying about before heading into king's cross later in the day to meet up with lyns and new blogger pal kylie; we were headed out for a 10 year anniversary event at the skip garden in the king's cross industrial estate... right? this place was mad, so do keep your eyes peeled on that post coming later in the week too. after another great night dancing the night away (not at all what you're thinking though), we were happy to get home earlier than planned, into pjs with snacks and drinks, and clueless on netflix. i'm not gonna lie, we both fell asleep less than half way in. we were pooped.

then comes sunday. lynsay made the fatal mistake of telling me she'd not really seen many of the touristy things in central since she was at school. so, i made it my mission to open her eyes to the wonder that is my babe'n london. we hopped off the train at waterloo, and made our way across the thames, snapping as we went. she'd never walked that way before, so i was pretty pleased to have been her guide on such a fab day too! from charing cross we walked through trafalgar square and behind the national gallery to leicester square, before walking up through chinatown, through a very dishevelled soho (pride was the day before!) and onto carnaby street.
there, we waited patiently for johnny cupcakes to open before buying half the store, checking out the adorable unicorn purses at irregular choice, and finally making our way to topshop for a bit of sale mooching. we both did ok out of the sale, but not as well as we'd hoped. it was a little... lacklustre to say the least. we did have a go at the infamous photobooth though... naturally.
sadly, topshop was to be our last stop for the day as miss thing had to get to euston for a train back to her beloved city (and man, duh). we hugged like loons in the middle of the walkway at oxford circus, promising this was "seeya soon!" and not "goodbye!", because although it was an exhausting couple of days, it was so flippen fantastic to have shared the weekend (and my bed, hur hur) with such an amazing girl. i know i say this time and time again, but i am truly the luckiest girl in the world when it comes to making the pals i have through the wonder of the blogosphere.
with my mustard quads up and down the country (and, erm, edinburgh), my sparkle sister lyns up in glasgow, and the hundreds (exaggerated figure) of other friendly faces i claim to call friends all over twitter and instagram and other such forms of social media, i reckon i've won the friend lottery.
thanks for a fab weekend, sparkly boo!